Friday, September 05, 2008

remain current

Clean Slate Living Principle: Life has a way of squeezing us into two very unproductive time frames. The past and/or the future. We become so anxious and confused about right now that we either retreat into the what was or try to run into what’s next prematurely. There is certainly much to be learned from our past and much to trust and plan for tomorrow but I deeply believe God wants us especially locked into the present.

It’s a fine dance to remain fluid and enjoy and impact life moment by moment when there is such a strong call to camp in yesterday or push past this moment to run into only God knows what. I felt that tension a little last night watching John McCain deliver his speech at the RNC. I thought of past elections and how my decision who to vote for seemed to come much easier. Right there on the couch, God asked me to pray about the coming election. To my shame, it’s something I haven’t done with any real measure. Big things are happening right now, globally, nationally, here in Erie and right in the center of our lives. Part of my prayer each day is that God would help me focus on the seen and unseen going on all around me…today.

Having spent the better part of my life trying either to relive the past or experience the future before it arrives, I have come to believe that in between these two extremes is peace. ~Author Unknown

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