Thursday, September 25, 2008

Facing Disappointment Head On!

Clean Slate Living Principle: Who doesn’t want to have each and every day loaded with positive and pleasing things happening all around them? Most days have there share of both the good and the unpleasant. Once in awhile, we get hit broadside with very real, seemingly overwhelming disappointment. The moment it happens an explosion of emotions roar inside us. It’s like walking right into a Hornets nest. At that instant, we have a very real decision to make. Do I give way to the wild collision of volatile emotions and let them loose or do I pause and reach for God?

Major disappointment roared in my family’s life this week. To say it’s been a little nuts around my house is an understatement. I thank God we were able to pause and seek His face. It certainly made a profound difference. In a very short amount of time we either learned or were reminded of the following:

- We are not the commanders of our own destiny.
- Mistakes were made…what can we learn from them?
- Do we trust God or just talk about trusting God?
- Have we determined to keep bitterness or anger at bay?
- Have we determined to give no opportunity to the Devil ?
- Will we respond like Christians?

To keep each day fresh we MUST learn how to navigate disappointment in a swift and godly manner.


Larry Shallenberger said...

You're in my prayers, Mike.

Michael Watson said...

Thanks Larry! I appreciate you.