Monday, May 19, 2008

What Does ServErie Look Like?

If you’ve spent any time around Grace Church the last few months, you would have heard about ServErie. This is a heartfelt initiative to rally our church to meet the needs of those struggling with poverty and brokenness in our community. There is a kiosk in our lobby that is alive with activity after each one of our weekend services as people sign-up for opportunities to serve the down trodden. If you’re wondering what happens at a ServErie event…let me give you a glimpse.

Last Sunday, 17 risk takers went to the City Mission to serve a meal and provide a simple devotion time for some of Erie’s homeless. We circled up in the missions kitchen to pray and yield our hearts/minds to God prior to digging into the experience. I honestly wish I had a picture of the faces of those in that circle. Willingness, compassion, a little fear, determination and obvious love were all alive in their expressions. One by one, people streamed into the dining hall to eat lunch. Some soaked in alcohol, others still wrapped in the wet blankets that they had used to keep warm in some ally the night before, young moms with very young kids looking all to comfortable in this setting and the mentally troubled. The members of our team did a phenomenal job of loving on these folks. Mike and Nancy Clark played some music and Mike gave a very moving talk on being honest with God. Team members could be seen all over the dining hall sharing lunch, providing encouragement and praying with these special guests. It just felt really right to be there.

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