Friday, May 23, 2008

Reality Check- Communication

It has been a joy and a bit of a struggle preparing for this coming weekend. I'll be talking about communication. What a phenominal responsibility managing our verbal interaction with one another is. Proverbs 19:21 says-The tongue has the power of life and death. We can speak life giving things to benefit others or we can crush them with words as Job told his friends.

Communication is an amazing thing. God created us in his image and part of being made in the image of God is our capacity to communicate, so God can have a relationship with us and God builds that relationship with us through the use of words. And then He has given us the capacity to build relationships with one another and again so much of what we use to build those relationships are words. It's an important thing. It's an extremely powerful thing and that's why God takes it so seriously. Could you imagine how our relationships would flourish if every word out of our mouths really counted in a positive way?

God also takes communication very seriously because there are people on this earth who will never hear about Him unless someone speaks up.

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