Wednesday, March 19, 2008

my friend jim

I met Jim the night he rolled (in his wheelchair) into the Worship Center his first time at our Saturday night service, wide eyed, nervous and skeptical. It was obvious that this was foreign ground and he was scared. We struck up a friendship that has lasted for the past two years. I watched Jim make a dramatic transformation. Although his health was very poor, he rarely focused on it. He was more interested in a new internal life, free from all the stuff that beat him down for over 40 years. I will always cherish our after service discussions and his many emails. He has a child like wonder when it comes to things pertaining to God. I had the honor of baptizing Jim. We talked about the experience for weeks prior to the event. He came two hours early that Saturday just so he could sit and prepare himself. When I lifted him from beneath the water, his eyes were already open and he gasped out the word….wow! He went to a whole new level of trust after that night. It was a beautiful thing to watch.

Several months ago, Jim’s health took a severe turn. I just left his bedside. I can barely recognize him now as the cancer has completely taken over his body. He speaks to me in the softest of whispers, most of which I can’t decipher. Yet, when we pray together, I still see that same wonder appear in his expression. He is within days or even hours of completing his time on earth. The suffering is hard to watch and I’m happy it will be over soon. I’ll really miss this gentle soul. II Cor 1:3-5

Update: Jim died at 6:00pm Easter Night.

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