It seems everytime I get in my car it somehow finds its way toward the home of one of my favorite people on earth. Allison Phillips came into my life at a time I needed her most. I've always felt eighteen years old in my heart but lately the mirror and declining health tell me otherwise. Growing older can be a scary proposition. You have to work much harder at staying pliable and viable or you can slip into a suffocating rut. I hate ruts.
Allison is my granddaughter. She's pushing three years old and she embodies the word vivid. I draw so much strength and life from this little girl. As a pastor, my entire world centers around the relational needs of others. Working in the trenches with hurting people can be demanding and draining. I thank God for God. My comfort is knowing I can confidently point people toward a relationship with the true source of comfort and resolve. When I feel depleted, I make my way toward Allison. Her giggle, silly dances, passion for books, love of music, wild expressions and crazy imagination draw me out of my world and into hers. Being in the presence of a well loved child is intoxicating. Like I said, she appeared just in time to keep my soul from slipping to a narrow place. I'm heading over there now!
Allison is my granddaughter. She's pushing three years old and she embodies the word vivid. I draw so much strength and life from this little girl. As a pastor, my entire world centers around the relational needs of others. Working in the trenches with hurting people can be demanding and draining. I thank God for God. My comfort is knowing I can confidently point people toward a relationship with the true source of comfort and resolve. When I feel depleted, I make my way toward Allison. Her giggle, silly dances, passion for books, love of music, wild expressions and crazy imagination draw me out of my world and into hers. Being in the presence of a well loved child is intoxicating. Like I said, she appeared just in time to keep my soul from slipping to a narrow place. I'm heading over there now!